Texas Deer Hunting Regulations

Deer hunting in Texas is a popular pursuit, governed by the regulations set forth by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Hunters have their choice of white-tailed deer or mule deer to hunt in the Lone Star State.


Texas law requires that every deer hunter possess a license. Those younger than 17 must have a youth hunting license while those 17 and older must purchase a regular hunting license.


There are various types of open seasons for both white-tailed deer and mule deer in Texas. There are seasons for taking these species with a bow, with a muzzleloader and with a rifle as well as seasons for antlerless and “spike” deer.


In Texas, the regulations define a “buck deer” as one that has a hardened antler sticking out of its skin on its head. A “spike deer” is one with antlers that have no more than a single point on them.


A deer hunter in Texas may bag as many as five white-tailed deer during the various seasons, but only three of them can be bucks. For mule deer, the combined seasons’ bag limit is two individual deer, with only one a buck.

Special Permit

The Texas Parks and Wildlife department can issue a “managed lands deer permit” to qualifying landowners. It allows hunters to exceed bag limits and enjoy an extended deer-hunting season. These hunters must have the permission of the landowner to hunt on the property.






Source:  John Lindell, eHow Contributor

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